Hello friends. While we shiver through these hopscotch like spring days, the bears have left their winter hidey-holes. Apparently, their natural instincts tell them that winter is over, so we must not give up. The bear report comes from our deep woods neighbors who live just across the county line. As for me, I will keep my eyes open, but not be disappointed if the bears are not regular visitors here.
There will be a book signing party for John Lee Comer next Sunday, April 19, 3 to 6 p.m. at The Taney Center. In his book, “Life through the Seasons”, the reader can expect to see life through the eyes of this farm boy from his earliest recollections until he left home soon after high school. I have read several chapters and thoroughly enjoy the early childhood stories of the Comer family.
Justin and Kasie finally struck a match to the tee-pee shaped bonfire that has been curing by the pond for many months. While most of us are happy to throw brush into a pile, Justin has taken a more planned approach to the building of a bonfire. This spectacular creation blazed for thirty-five minutes before toppling over. Mike Stenger had a small cook fire going where he roasted deer steaks and the Gifford children burnt marshmallows.
We were thrilled to have Frank and Marge Layson at the bonfire. It had been a month since the Lifeline Helicopter picked Frank up there in that same field and transported him to the hospital for a month-long stay. Frank said he does not remember that night, but is so thankful to be home again. He and Marge celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary while he was in the hospital. We wish them many more happy years together.
Jim Bilyeu was home a few days last week with a bad case of bronchitis. Dawn and Melissa took good care of him and he was able to be at the bonfire Saturday night. Glad he is feeling better.
Rick Crum cut and piled twenty-two dead dogwood trees Saturday afternoon. The trees died in a little controlled burn that the fellows did here a couple of years ago. We waited a year or two to see if they might have some life, but finally accepted the fact they are dead. He must have pinched a nerve because he was in a lot of pain and missed the bonfire.
Bill Biggs was on vacation last week and spent quite a bit of time fishing. He and Sean Tilley brought home some big ones.
I stopped to see Joyce Chambers Saturday afternoon and found her having fun with grandkids, Carissa and Hunter. They were making memories by catching bugs and worms.
Easter Sunday was sure a wet and soggy day, but that did not affect the miracle of The Resurrection and what it means to us. The drama team at Sandy Church gave a meaningful presentation of the events of Christ’s death and resurrection. Pastor Neal followed through with a powerful sermon followed by a time of prayer at the altar.
Bye for now.
Cell: 417-239-4059
Website: www.elanecrum.net
Website: www.elanecrum.com
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