Hello friends. The summer rains are producing wonderful fresh vegetables, to be enjoyed by man and beast. My neighbor has been chasing a groundhog out of his garden and Ronnie Bilyeu finally got a picture of the spotted twin fawns that have been feasting on his tomatoes. I do not know how Norm France keeps the critters out of his garden, but he has grown some delicious burpless cucumbers. I did not know there were so many different varieties.
I do not have a vegetable garden, only a few flowers. The puppies have not had much freedom to roam since they ate the Cannas and I am happy to report that the Cannas are showing signs of life.
Last week I visited the White River Valley Historical Society at their roomy new location in downtown Forsyth. Lisa Owen and her helpers were busy as bees readying their site for the upcoming Smithsonian Institution exhibit on American Roots Music, “New Harmonies”. New Harmonies will run from August 15-September 26.
There are many informational and entertaining events planned in conjunction with New Harmonies. Watch the local papers and/or visit the website, www.wrvhs.org, to learn more about the schedule.
Sean and Madison Tilley visited with Uncle Rick today. They looked at the puppies and watched an old movie, “River Runs Through It“. Madison, who prefers Sponge Bob to Brad Pitt any day, found Barbie dolls and a coloring book to occupy her time.
Erin Crum went to basketball camp at College of the Ozarks earlier in the month. I picked her up one day and after we had lunch with her mommy, she spent the afternoon with me at the office. With a computer and private office, she got lots of “work” done. Only three weeks now until school starts and she will get down to business with real work.
Rick was gone to Little Rock for several days and left me to fend for myself. It was not too bad; I did have extra chores to do, as the dogs needed their daily care. Aside from that, I watched whatever I wanted on TV, stayed up as late as I could, and ate what I wanted, when I wanted.
Saturday evening I met Neal and his family at Swan Creek. I thought it was too cool to swim, but they had been working in the yard and seemed to enjoy a refreshing swim. The girls came home with me and helped get out the annual Meadows Cemetery newsletter. They are good helpers and I was happy to put it in the mail on Monday.
Glen and Patsy Kenyon celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on July 17 with a party at the Taneyville Municipal Building. There was cake and punch and the company of many friends and relatives. Congratulations Glen and Pat….May you enjoy many more “Golden Years” together! Bye for now.
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