Hello friends. November greets us with many changes, both daylight and dark come earlier, rain has stopped, most of the trees have lost their leaves, sun is shining and the sky is blue.
Halloween was pretty uneventful for us. I bought Hershey bars and Pumpkin Kisses just in case anyone should come by. Our only visitors were Jim and Dawn, who treated us. They had prepared some treats at their house, but when nobody came, gathered up their treats and visited the neighbors. We had a good visit and caught up on some of the family happenings. Dawn’s home canned green beans are a special treat that we will enjoy.
Patsy Ayers called last week to check on some of our family, I found out she, and Butch have had a lot going on this year. They are both recovering from some health issues and Butch’s dad passed away a couple of months ago. I am so sorry; it is always hard to let our loved ones go.
Guess it was a week for family connections as I also got a call from Patsy’s cousin, Ron Lathrope, who lives in Kansas. We met Ron several years ago when he came to visit Rick’s mom, while she was here in the trailer. He does a lot of family research and thought I might have an answer or two. I don’t think I was much help, but was nice to hear from him. Ron also mentioned his cousin, Glen Lathrope, who keeps up with local news through Dogwood Acres.
I don’t think we have met Glen, but I have fond memories of his mother, Thelma Rice Marler. I knew her as Belle when she worked with my Granny at the Brown Hotel in Rockaway. She was so jolly and good to us kids. Belle was also a talented artist; in fact, I still have a gallon vinegar jug that she painted strawberries on. It sits high on my kitchen cabinets with other red and white vintage kitchen things.
Neal was here early last week working on our bathroom, then he was called away to help people move all the rest of the week. Martin and Amy closed on their new home in Nixa on Wednesday and the family worked hard all day moving their belongings from storage. We will miss having them at Forsyth, but Nixa is a good location, halfway between their jobs. Martin is a Physical Therapist at Skaggs in Branson and Amy is a Speech Pathologist at Clever Schools.
On Thursday Neal and LeaAnn helped move the DuBois family from our Sandy Church community to Rochester, MN. Mike is in Mayo Clinic awaiting a heart transplant and his family needs to be close by. They were blessed to find a house not far from the hospital and close to school for the kids. After getting them unpacked and settled, Neal and LeaAnn were able to spend some time at the hospital with Mike and then, came home on Sunday.
I think I am back on Neal’s list for this week and look forward to having the new shower and cabinets completed.
Since Pastor Neal was away on Sunday, Sandy Church was blessed with the anointed ministry of Sister Frances Humbyrd. On Sunday night she led us in a “God Bless You” testimony service, encouraging each one to share about their walk with God.
Mike Stenger gave us a good report on Joyce’s mom, Anna Belle Dalton. She had surgery to repair an aneurysm, is up and around and doing her own cooking. I wonder if she has baked any pies lately? She sure knows how to make ‘em good! Annie, we wish you continued good health! Bye for now.
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