Hello friends. We had a busy, busy weekend, but oh so many good memories were made. The fun started Friday night with office Christmas party at Kelly and Sherry Grisham’s home. Good friends, food and fun there ending with a Chinese gift exchange. Lauryn said it would be more fun if we would “steal” someone else’s gift, so I did! Now they say I have a new image at the office, but “we” had fun.
On Saturday we went with Neal, LeaAnn and the girls to Silver Dollar City….in the rain. Yes, the weather man did say there might be scattered showers so we took a chance they would scatter somewhere else. Well, they did not and it was a wet day, but I think we still had fun. Rick made a remark about the wisdom of being out in the rain, but then, commented that he would think nothing of it if he wanted to hunt or fish in the rain.
Sunday was church at Sandy and the annual Christmas Dinner which is always a good time of fellowship. Juanita Menzies always coordinates our dinners but she has been down in her back for three weeks and had to miss this one. We have missed her and Harold at church, but she is hoping to get a shot that will make her all better.
After the dinner, we came back through Forsyth and stopped to visit Uncle Bill, Aunt Roma and their kids. Uncle Bill is glad to be out of the hospital and the kids are taking good care of them.
I got a phone call from Anita Bradford Allen with a special announcement that I am pleased to share in my column. Her parents, Earl & Oleta Bradford will celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary from 2-4 p.m., Dec. 19th in the Fellowship Hall of Healing River Worship Center located at 265 Oak Ridge Road. They were married in a double wedding ceremony at Seymour, MO, by the Rev. Leland Daniels in a 1940 Chevrolet. They ask “no gifts, please”. This sounds like a wonderful opportunity to greet old friends and congratulate Earl and Oleta on their long life together.
A note from sister Christie said she got her deer this morning; Sean called the sheriff department and is making it legal. She likes hunting from the easy chair of her Ford…, says it is “Ford Tough”. She doesn't think her car received much damage, but I told her that Rick and I will be glad to assist with any needed repairs as we still have Gorilla Glue and Duct Tape.
While at Bill and Mary Lou's after church on Sunday, we were all entertained by the antics of Mary Lou's kittens. These may be farm cats but, they are spoiled just like the rest of us who show up for lunch every Sunday. The little ones know there will be a bowl of warm gravy or some good meat scraps once they get inside the glass doors. Bill said they eat at least twelve times a day....perhaps he is exaggerating just a bit, but they are well fed. There are now three generations and some of the prettiest cats ever, a nice mix of Siamese and tiger stripe; there are bob tails, long tails, short hair and fluffy hair, blue eyes and yellow eyes. We brought home a fluffy Siamese with tiger stripes on his face and legs, bob tailed and blue eyes; that is the one that plays with Little Fox and still remains nameless. I took pictures of the others and will put them on my blog, www.dogwoodacresonline.blogspot.com They would make wonderful gifts to put in someone's Christmas stockings. Bill and Mary Lou would love to make someone's Christmas more special with these precious kitties! Bye for now.
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