Hello friends. It is a blustery January day and everyone is dreading what could become an ice and snow event later this week. I find myself planning to get certain tasks done before that should happen. It is much easier to put signs into soft dry ground than to chisel through ice or snow.
I don't really mind being iced in at home because I can still work as long as there is electricity to run my computer. Well, time will tell about all that.
Today is Daddy's birthday and just so happened that some of the younger men in our family spent several hours working on his log house. For several years we have known that the bottom logs on the north end would need replacing and that time finally arrived. These boys were not yet born when Grandpa Clarence and Pa Bilyeu built the house, but they are sure getting their time in now. Wiggling under the house's low crawl space has had its challenges, but so far everyone has made it back out.
They had hoped to find some kind of treasures and were not disappointed. Grandpa Clarence's turkey tag from 1974 was found, still firmly attached to a turkey leg bone. Information on the tag stated that he weighed 150 lbs and the cost of the tag was $7.80.
If the boys ever wondered why there was such a small crawl opening, now we know that at 150 lbs,, their great-grandpa never had the same challenges they have in getting under the house.
My Uncle Walter Davis and Aunt Nadine called today and we had a good visit. He celebrated his 85th birthday on Dec. 30 and was surprised to receive fifty birthday cards, many from old friends that he grew up with in these hills.
I found myself back in Spokane Saturday showing that same house for the third time, and, on my way home stopped to visit Rick and Gay Thomas. Gay Lea had gone shopping with Anita Kay, so I visited with Rick for a few minutes, then went on down the road to see Rita Roberts. She is one of the old gang that grew up with Uncle Walt and the rest of Mother's family. We had the best visit and just when I thought I would leave, spotted a picture album and ended up looking at pictures for the next three hours. She had a pot of Venison Chili and a pan of brownies, so we took time out for lunch. It was a good way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon.
Cousin Ron Bilyeu lives just a few miles from us on the banks of Bull Creek and reported seeing an unusual wild animal today. "It appeared to be part dog/part coyote(Coydog?). Its coloration was that of a coyote; but it was furry like a shepherd. Legs were a reddish brown. Tail appeared to have been cut off at the halfway point. Had the head of a coyote. ???? It was definitely a wild animal." Those were his exact words and we know Ron is not one to exaggerate. I think his eyesight is still fairly good too, so have no doubt this is exactly what he saw. Hmmmm.... Bye for now.
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