Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dogwood Acres Weekly-08/10/10


Hello friends. Just finished a country meal of “Hen of the Woods”. Neal was here and found it growing alongside a tree here in our yard. Rick and I have cooked Morels and Corals, but had never cooked “Hen of the Woods”. This one was pretty small, but still fried up about 4 skillets full. Neal said he and Ashton found a fifty-pounder one time; that would be a good size to do for the church fish fry.

Cousin Tristin was here with Neal; they took a ride on the 4-wheeler and got back in time for the fresh fried mushroom. The kids are doing a lot of fun things with Tristin; they have been to the creek, explored the cave on Glade Top and we all went to the Ozark Empire Fair in Springfield on Friday night.

It was hot at the fair but we got there late in the evening and spent an hour going through the art exhibits where it was nice and cool. The girls and I had taken some of their artwork and two of Mary Lou’s quilts to the Fine Art Exhibition. Mary Lou’s appliqued butterfly quilt got a blue ribbon, one of Ashton’s drawings got a blue ribbon and Champion in Youth Artwork. Erin got 2nd & 3rd with her jewelry and photography. They both got several other ribbons in various categories. Grandma is pretty proud!

Rick and Little Fox got home on Tuesday and have spent all week adjusting to the hot weather and time change. Rick was happy with the puppies, but Little Fox is not so sure she likes them. They are cute, 5 are red, 2 are white with brown and black markings and Rick wants to keep the one with a brown marble shape on its forehead. Dawn wants a little red one and Makaylee said she would like to have at least one.

Since he got home Rick has also discovered that we are expecting kittens. Bobbie is the original bob-tail cat of our little cat-ranch here and she usually has a big litter. It appears that the animal population here is exploding. Rick thought I had Bobbie spayed, but guess not!

We spent a lot of time Sunday and Monday with our Bilyeu Family and friends as good-byes were said to our loved one, Roy Dean Bilyeu, who passed away last Thursday. He and my dad were so close, almost like brothers, and shared a lot of good times together hunting and fishing, or just talking about hunting and fishing. They were never at a loss for something to talk about.
Another of Daddy’s first cousins, Anna Belle Dalton, is still having a tough time. She has been in and out of the hospital while adjusting to dialysis.

Ken Puchta stopped by to welcome Rick home and brought some fresh produce from his garden. I have not got back into the habit of cooking so we really enjoyed the fresh veggies.

Jim and Dawn’s bean patch looks good and he has taken on a new project, hand digging a storm cellar. I have not seen it yet, but have been told that anyone is welcome to stop by and remove a wheelbarrow full of dirt. This sounds like a long-term project to me. Bye for now.

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