Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dogwood Acres, 09/27/10

Hello friends. Granddaughters and I hit another reunion this weekend, this one at Meadows Cemetery and School. When I told a friend at work that we went to the cemetery for a reunion, she thought that a rather odd gathering place. Funny, but I never think of it that way.
This one was largely members of the Meadows family, some coming from as far away as Oregon City, OR, and others from Arizona and Texas. The oldest one there was Lorene Meadows, age 95. Lorene is the widow of Lester Meadows. The next oldest was Esther Meadows Swertfeger, soon to be 89 years young. Esther was born at Bluff, MO, but made the long journey from her home in Oregon.
Bonnie Haskett Voss brought the scrapbook made from old pictures and memorabilia of her Aunt Eva Meadows. Miss Eva passed away on 2/20/10 at the age of 93. She was born in Bluff, MO, and graduated from Forsyth High School in 1933. She received her teaching certificate from Southwest MO State Teachers College and taught at Meadows School. The scrapbook had a copy of her high school diploma and a list of students, several names which I recognized. There was Neva Matthews, Esther Whitley and others.
It was my pleasure to meet Miss Eva at the Meadows reunion in 2006. Former student Roscoe Keithley was at that reunion and got to tell Miss Eva that he really was not guilty of throwing a burr oak acorn that hit her in the head. It was some ornery girls who made him take the blame for it. I think those girls should have owned up to it and not blamed it on a little boy.
Well, Ashton and Erin were good sports about sitting by the cemetery gate while I visited with others, but we left early and got home to check on Little Fox. Rick was working at the church again and we had put Little Fox in the crate so she wouldn’t run off with the puppies.
Erin is taking a crochet class at school and spent a lot of time crocheting this weekend, putting together squares for an afghan. There are some boys in the class, but they couldn’t spell very good and thought they were signing up for a croquet class. I think they were surprised, but Erin said they are actually doing pretty good.
Rick has been bow hunting and watching does and fawns pass under his tree. He won’t kill a fawn, or a doe that has fawns with her. I have used all the deer burger from our freezer, so he has to see a buck soon as I am refusing to buy any more hamburger. He needs to grocery shop a little more to have a better understanding of food prices.
We all went to a wedding in Springfield Friday night. Neal performed the wedding ceremony for DJ Warren and Shayna Johnson at the home of her parents. The Warren family are old friends of ours from our years in Webster County. It was good to see so many of them again and we wish DJ and Shayna a lifetime of happiness. Bye for now.

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