Hello friends. 10-10-10 was a very good day. I am glad it was on a Sunday, not because of any superstitions that I have, but just because Sunday was already a very good day.
We have had a very full week. Rick’s cousin, Debbie Lathrope, came from Kansas City on Monday and stayed until after the Lone Star Church Homecoming. She has been good company for Little Fox and Rick while I worked. Rick hunted most mornings and got home in time to fix lunch. He usually eats one can of sardines a day, but got a little more creative for Debbie, making grilled cheese and opening canned soup.
Rick took Debbie shopping in Branson one afternoon, and then they came by my office when I got off work. I drove them around town to see the sights and we ended up at The Landing for Auntie Anne pretzels with Colby.
I took off work Friday and Saturday so Debbie and I could play with the granddaughters. On our way to get them at school we stopped at Century Antiques in Taneyville, shopped with Sheila Braden in the store and Lois and Lisa Lux, who had a huge yard sale outside. Saw Marilyn McDaniel and told her we miss her Taneyville news in the paper.
After getting the girls from school we came back through Forsyth where we visited the White River Valley Historical Society and Museum. Their newest exhibit, “Sportsman’s Paradise” focuses on hunting and fishing in the Ozarks. Browsing through the old pictures and clippings on display, I was surprised to find a 1955 newspaper clipping of my Grandpa Clarence with a big wolf that he had trapped and turned in for the $15 bounty.
Saturday morning Rick went hunting, and we gals took off to Eureka Springs for the day. Ashton and Erin had never been there so we looked on the internet to see what they would enjoy. Ashton was enticed by the art galleries and Erin was curious about the ghosts in the Crescent Hotel. At the Crescent we took the somewhat creaky elevator to the 4th floor and the girls opted to walk back down. Debbie and I didn’t mind that the elevator was creaky as it kinda matched the way our bones felt at the thought of walking four flights of stairs.
Shopping and sightseeing was fun and we ended up at the Mudhouse Café for a leisurely lunch before heading back home to Missouri.
Sunday was the homecoming at Lone Star Church with a full house for the regular Sunday morning worship service. There was folding chairs down the aisle and clear out onto the porch. Pastor David Koenig preached a good sermon and there was a special song by Olin Tilley. Before dismissing for lunch Glen Kenyon led a short business meeting for the annual homecoming service. Then it was time for “Dinner on the Ground”.
I always look forward to Barbara Gimlin Collins’ poppy seed bread and Pearl Hammond Driskill’s gooseberry cobbler…so glad they didn’t let me down this year!
The Gimlin Family was well represented with at least fourteen attending, Aunt Bonnie Gimlin Bilyeu, being the oldest at 92. In 1932 Aunt Bonnie graduated from the 8th grade at North Lone Star School along with George (Bodie) Stolpe, Rosa Crum and Bessie Bashaw.
There was an even dozen of “Us Crums” there, with cousins coming from Republic, Centralia, Joplin and Kansas City.
Georgine Cummings called to tell me about the Cummings family trip to Colorado last week. She went with Iva, Eugene and Dallas to visit their sister Anna May Cummings Wade. They visited the Wade family graves at the cemetery in Springfield, CO, and saw Hallie Wade’s wife, Margaret.
Rick’s cousins, Hazel Ragsdale Spurgeon and Connie Ragsdale Riddle, came by to visit while we were gone on Saturday. Finding nobody home at our house they went to visit Janet Dalton and found Rick there visiting with Jeff. Rick had a little trouble with his bow and had taken it to Jeff to sight in.
We are still having a little trouble with morning sickness at our house, sure will be glad when Little Fox gets through this false pregnancy.
Rick came in from hunting Monday morning dripping blood all over the place. That would not have been so bad had he killed a deer, but that was not what happened. While sitting in the tree stand he decided to use his pocket knife to trim a limb that was in his way. He trimmed the limb all right and sliced that sharp blade right into his hand. He lost a bucket of blood but I got him to the hospital for stitches and he will be okay. Bye for now.
Hello friends. 10-10-10 was a very good day. I am glad it was on a Sunday, not because of any superstitions that I have, but just because Sunday was already a very good day.
We have had a very full week. Rick’s cousin, Debbie Lathrope, came from Kansas City on Monday and stayed until after the Lone Star Church Homecoming. She has been good company for Little Fox and Rick while I worked. Rick hunted most mornings and got home in time to fix lunch. He usually eats one can of sardines a day, but got a little more creative for Debbie, making grilled cheese and opening canned soup.
Rick took Debbie shopping in Branson one afternoon, and then they came by my office when I got off work. I drove them around town to see the sights and we ended up at The Landing for Auntie Anne pretzels with Colby.
I took off work Friday and Saturday so Debbie and I could play with the granddaughters. On our way to get them at school we stopped at Century Antiques in Taneyville, shopped with Sheila Braden in the store and Lois and Lisa Lux, who had a huge yard sale outside. Saw Marilyn McDaniel and told her we miss her Taneyville news in the paper.
After getting the girls from school we came back through Forsyth where we visited the White River Valley Historical Society and Museum. Their newest exhibit, “Sportsman’s Paradise” focuses on hunting and fishing in the Ozarks. Browsing through the old pictures and clippings on display, I was surprised to find a 1955 newspaper clipping of my Grandpa Clarence with a big wolf that he had trapped and turned in for the $15 bounty.
Saturday morning Rick went hunting, and we gals took off to Eureka Springs for the day. Ashton and Erin had never been there so we looked on the internet to see what they would enjoy. Ashton was enticed by the art galleries and Erin was curious about the ghosts in the Crescent Hotel. At the Crescent we took the somewhat creaky elevator to the 4th floor and the girls opted to walk back down. Debbie and I didn’t mind that the elevator was creaky as it kinda matched the way our bones felt at the thought of walking four flights of stairs.
Shopping and sightseeing was fun and we ended up at the Mudhouse Café for a leisurely lunch before heading back home to Missouri.
Sunday was the homecoming at Lone Star Church with a full house for the regular Sunday morning worship service. There was folding chairs down the aisle and clear out onto the porch. Pastor David Koenig preached a good sermon and there was a special song by Olin Tilley. Before dismissing for lunch Glen Kenyon led a short business meeting for the annual homecoming service. Then it was time for “Dinner on the Ground”.
I always look forward to Barbara Gimlin Collins’ poppy seed bread and Pearl Hammond Driskill’s gooseberry cobbler…so glad they didn’t let me down this year!
The Gimlin Family was well represented with at least fourteen attending, Aunt Bonnie Gimlin Bilyeu, being the oldest at 92. In 1932 Aunt Bonnie graduated from the 8th grade at North Lone Star School along with George (Bodie) Stolpe, Rosa Crum and Bessie Bashaw.
There was an even dozen of “Us Crums” there, with cousins coming from Republic, Centralia, Joplin and Kansas City.
Georgine Cummings called to tell me about the Cummings family trip to Colorado last week. She went with Iva, Eugene and Dallas to visit their sister Anna May Cummings Wade. They visited the Wade family graves at the cemetery in Springfield, CO, and saw Hallie Wade’s wife, Margaret.
Rick’s cousins, Hazel Ragsdale Spurgeon and Connie Ragsdale Riddle, came by to visit while we were gone on Saturday. Finding nobody home at our house they went to visit Janet Dalton and found Rick there visiting with Jeff. Rick had a little trouble with his bow and had taken it to Jeff to sight in.
We are still having a little trouble with morning sickness at our house, sure will be glad when Little Fox gets through this false pregnancy.
Rick came in from hunting Monday morning dripping blood all over the place. That would not have been so bad had he killed a deer, but that was not what happened. While sitting in the tree stand he decided to use his pocket knife to trim a limb that was in his way. He trimmed the limb all right and sliced that sharp blade right into his hand. He lost a bucket of blood but I got him to the hospital for stitches and he will be okay. Bye for now.
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