Hello friends. The season is changing and we are trying to be adaptable. One day last week the weather forecast called for freezing temperatures which caused us to scurry around and bring plants inside. Rick has several cactus plants that have flourished in the warm sun and I have several tropical plants that have doubled in size over the last few years. He brought most of those inside, then when I got home from work I took cuttings from my Dragon Wing Begonias and Swedish Ivy and hope to carry them through ‘til spring.
After all of that effort we had neither frost nor freeze at our house, but eventually it will happen and we have our plants inside.
I was home early enough one evening to fry that fresh venison tenderloin for supper. While it was frying I called brother Jim so he could listen to it sizzle in the skillet. He was still in Springfield, but when I told him I was frying a whole tenderloin and might have some leftovers, he called it a day and headed for Pine Ridge. When he and Dawn got here I had a skillet of brown gravy and hot fluffy biscuits. Rick and I had eaten our fill but left plenty for them and we had a good visit.
Jim, Dawn and Kasie spent the day Saturday at Richard and Kelley Michael’s making sorghum and lye soap. They started with two pickup loads of sugar cane, pressed it into 35 gallons of juice and finally cooked down to 6.5 gallons of sorghum. Kelly made apple cobblers in cast iron dutch ovens set in a bed of hot coals and their daughter, Jennifer, was spinning yarn on the spinning wheel. The Voyles from Ava and Glen Kenyon and friends were there and everybody had a job to do. I enjoyed hearing about it but sounds to me like this Pioneer Day was a lot of hard work.
Turned out I was wrong about Rick’s bow hunting being over until gun season. According to the book, he can still get a doe, so the hunt continues.
While at Meadows Cemetery recently, I saw Viola and Bill Denney. They had been to visit her son, Rocky Raubs, and I just happened to catch them on their way down his driveway. I had not seen Viola for years and years, but I don’t think she had changed a bit, still slim and pretty.
Rick and I joined our neighbors Bob and Rhonda Bowman around a campfire on a cold starlit night last week. Rich and Peggy had brought their horses and set up camp on the Back Place for a few days. It was a cozy campsite and a nice way to spend an evening.
I visited the Stenger family Saturday afternoon and found Joe Dalton hanging out there with his family. Recently retired, he is adjusting quite well to a more leisurely lifestyle. I know his Mama and Sissie like having him around.
While in Wal-Mart shopping for my Winter’s Bone DVD, saw cousin Ronnie Bilyeu. He and Debbie were looking forward to a visit with son Mark and family in Kansas before Mark ships out for another tour in Iraq.
Randy Dalton is preaching at Pine Ridge church this week; sign on the church says REVIVAL, 7:00 p.m.. I know they would enjoy having you worship with them. Bye for now.
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