Hello friends. Surely my brother could write Dogwood Acres. With his flair for words, he would describe our activities like this: “We have chicken heads and deer heads all over Pine Ridge”.
I do not have the gift of getting it said with such few words, so here is my version of the first weekend of firearm season. Sean Tilley and Dakota Bilyeu came over Friday night and I listened as they discussed strategies and tree stands with Uncle Rick. Rick and I took an early morning 4-wheeler ride through the bottom of our hollow, up a steep hill, down another steep hill, parked the rig, walked across a branch, and finally reached a blind where he left me firmly zipped inside. From there he hiked up the hill to a tree stand and the wait began.
It wasn’t long until we began hearing rifle shots; Rick said he quit counting at fifty. That was either a sign of many poorly placed shots or a very good deer harvest. I saw three flocks of turkey and two deer, but they stayed well out of range. About 10:00 o’clock, Rick came to visit; he said the wind just about blew him out of the treetop. He thought maybe he could help me out by using the grunt call, so I got enthused and expected a big buck to come looking for us.
After making several calls, his corner got quiet and he was sound asleep. That was okay, he had a tough morning in the treetop and I knew my big buck would soon be stepping into view. About that time, it all started to fall apart when I heard a strange 4-wheeler come riding up our trail and stopped by my blind. Turned out they had missed their deer, so decided to go sightseeing. Rick woke up just in time to hear me tell them that they had messed my hunt up.
He crawled out and got acquainted while I sat there fuming. Of course, they had not expected anyone to be hunting there, but were considerate enough to turn around and go back where they came from. I waited another 45 minutes and finally conceded to go home for a bowl of hot venison stew. We had a good nap and went back for a late evening hunt, which turned out to just be a sightseeing trip. With all of that being said, we had a lot of fun and enjoyed spending a whole day together without TV or computers.
We called around the neighborhood for buck reports but there was none for our family’s first day out.
Now for Brother Jim’s Sunday morning hunt. He went out early before church and had been in his spot less than ten minutes when God blessed him with a big 7-point buck. He called Dawn from the woods and she called us before 8:00 a.m. with that good report.
Rick and I went on to church at Sandy and came by to see the buck later in the afternoon. Jim and Dawn were outside, the buck was chilling in a tree and Dawn was getting ready to butcher four fat roosters. She had a kettle of water boiling over a campfire and a hatchet nearby. When I talked to Jim later, he said she had roosters all over the kitchen and they looked as big as buzzards. He is very proud of his Okie wife’s pioneer spirit!
Justin and Kasie rolled out in their little camper Friday night, headed for woods near Ava. They called in Sunday night to report that Justin had busted a big forked horn, his first deer! We are proud of his hunting perseverance and glad to see his buck hanging in front of the log house. That old oak tree had begun to look pretty empty.
Connie Hammond called this evening with news that she had got a fat doe. She hunts pretty close to home and Leon was bringing it in with the tractor.
Our neighbor Rich brought down a button buck, which will be good eating. He had a chance at the big buck that has my name on it, but as far as I know, it is still roaming the woods.
Joann Rice and her Mom, Henrietta, both celebrated birthdays last week. Henrietta was 97 years old; Joann said she ate chocolates all week, but…at 97 can do anything she wants too! They enjoyed all the birthday cards and Facebook wishes from Forsyth friends.
Georgine Boswell Cummings called to give me a report on her recent trip to visit California relatives. She flew with her brother Gifford and Violet Boswell to Los Angeles and stayed with brother Wayne and Barbara Boswell in Simi Valley. While there, they visited the beach, Reagan’s Library and Museum and had a big birthday party for her brother Gene Boswell who turned 92 on September 1. There were 14 who attended the party held at Wayne and Barabara’s. Another night their sister-in-law, Millie Boswell, fixed supper for a group of 11. Sounds to me like this family had a lot of fun just eating and visiting; so glad Georgine got to spend that time with them.
Well, I am balancing work with deer hunting this week and tomorrow’s alarm is set to go off extra early. Hope to have more deer reports next week. Bye for now.
Hello friends. Surely my brother could write Dogwood Acres. With his flair for words, he would describe our activities like this: “We have chicken heads and deer heads all over Pine Ridge”.
I do not have the gift of getting it said with such few words, so here is my version of the first weekend of firearm season. Sean Tilley and Dakota Bilyeu came over Friday night and I listened as they discussed strategies and tree stands with Uncle Rick. Rick and I took an early morning 4-wheeler ride through the bottom of our hollow, up a steep hill, down another steep hill, parked the rig, walked across a branch, and finally reached a blind where he left me firmly zipped inside. From there he hiked up the hill to a tree stand and the wait began.
It wasn’t long until we began hearing rifle shots; Rick said he quit counting at fifty. That was either a sign of many poorly placed shots or a very good deer harvest. I saw three flocks of turkey and two deer, but they stayed well out of range. About 10:00 o’clock, Rick came to visit; he said the wind just about blew him out of the treetop. He thought maybe he could help me out by using the grunt call, so I got enthused and expected a big buck to come looking for us.
After making several calls, his corner got quiet and he was sound asleep. That was okay, he had a tough morning in the treetop and I knew my big buck would soon be stepping into view. About that time, it all started to fall apart when I heard a strange 4-wheeler come riding up our trail and stopped by my blind. Turned out they had missed their deer, so decided to go sightseeing. Rick woke up just in time to hear me tell them that they had messed my hunt up.
He crawled out and got acquainted while I sat there fuming. Of course, they had not expected anyone to be hunting there, but were considerate enough to turn around and go back where they came from. I waited another 45 minutes and finally conceded to go home for a bowl of hot venison stew. We had a good nap and went back for a late evening hunt, which turned out to just be a sightseeing trip. With all of that being said, we had a lot of fun and enjoyed spending a whole day together without TV or computers.
We called around the neighborhood for buck reports but there was none for our family’s first day out.
Now for Brother Jim’s Sunday morning hunt. He went out early before church and had been in his spot less than ten minutes when God blessed him with a big 7-point buck. He called Dawn from the woods and she called us before 8:00 a.m. with that good report.
Rick and I went on to church at Sandy and came by to see the buck later in the afternoon. Jim and Dawn were outside, the buck was chilling in a tree and Dawn was getting ready to butcher four fat roosters. She had a kettle of water boiling over a campfire and a hatchet nearby. When I talked to Jim later, he said she had roosters all over the kitchen and they looked as big as buzzards. He is very proud of his Okie wife’s pioneer spirit!
Justin and Kasie rolled out in their little camper Friday night, headed for woods near Ava. They called in Sunday night to report that Justin had busted a big forked horn, his first deer! We are proud of his hunting perseverance and glad to see his buck hanging in front of the log house. That old oak tree had begun to look pretty empty.
Connie Hammond called this evening with news that she had got a fat doe. She hunts pretty close to home and Leon was bringing it in with the tractor.
Our neighbor Rich brought down a button buck, which will be good eating. He had a chance at the big buck that has my name on it, but as far as I know, it is still roaming the woods.
Joann Rice and her Mom, Henrietta, both celebrated birthdays last week. Henrietta was 97 years old; Joann said she ate chocolates all week, but…at 97 can do anything she wants too! They enjoyed all the birthday cards and Facebook wishes from Forsyth friends.
Georgine Boswell Cummings called to give me a report on her recent trip to visit California relatives. She flew with her brother Gifford and Violet Boswell to Los Angeles and stayed with brother Wayne and Barbara Boswell in Simi Valley. While there, they visited the beach, Reagan’s Library and Museum and had a big birthday party for her brother Gene Boswell who turned 92 on September 1. There were 14 who attended the party held at Wayne and Barabara’s. Another night their sister-in-law, Millie Boswell, fixed supper for a group of 11. Sounds to me like this family had a lot of fun just eating and visiting; so glad Georgine got to spend that time with them.
Well, I am balancing work with deer hunting this week and tomorrow’s alarm is set to go off extra early. Hope to have more deer reports next week. Bye for now.
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